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How to Draw Crocodile Swampy Step by Step - Where's my Water Swampy Game Movies

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Добавлено от jools
296 Просмотры
How to draw a Crocodile Swamp. In this video I show you how to draw Swampy from Disney games "Where's my water?". I draw a Crocodile Swamp step by step. A picture can make every one of you with his hands. Pleasant viewing and success in work!

You got a good picture of the Crocodile Swamp, the first time, review all the videos in full, and the second after each stroke pause and try to repeat after me.

★ Subscribe to the channel Mirage4You: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVdCGKtasz5_FAd_Hi2pG0w?sub_confirmation=1

★ How to Draw (all videos): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVdCGKtasz5_FAd_Hi2pG0w/videos

Music: YouTube Audio Library (https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music)

#drawing #crocodile #swampy #gamecharacters #artforkids
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